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Re: Fwd: Tip: How to prevent cut avocado from turning


 > From: marnie br <http://www.gmail.com/~369marnie>
 > Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2016 17:20:06 -0500
 > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 > From: *Dr. Mark* <http://www.biotrustnews.com/~support>
 > Date: Tuesday, January 5, 2016
 > Subject: Tip: How to prevent cut avocado from turning
 > To: http://www.gmail.com/~369marnie
 > [image: BioTrust Nutrition] Avocados are one of the best flab-fighting
 > fats, but it's unlikely that you'll eat an entire avocado in one sitting.
 > So how do you keep that leftover avocado from turning?
 > Well, first let's talk about why avocados turn.  Like apples or
 > potatoes, they oxidize when exposed to air.  Once you cut into an avocado,
 > you'll never be able to completely stop the oxidation process, but you can
 > dramatically slow it with a few quick tips and tricks:
 > 1. Cut the avocado with a ceramic or plastic knife.  Metal actually
 > accelerates the oxidation process.
 > 2. Try lemon or lime juice. Citric acid is a powerful antioxidant; rub a
 > little juice around the exposed flesh and you'll significantly delay the
 > browning effect.
 > 3. No lemon or lime? Use oil. Oil is another great buffer to oxygen. Use in
 > place of lemon or lime juice when you don't have any handy.
 > 4. Store as air-tight as possible. Again, avocados turn due to
 > oxidation and exposure to air, so storing in an air-tight container only
 > makes sense.
 > 5. Water. Huh? That's right! This one works exceptionally well for
 > guacamole. Place your leftover guac in a plastic container and press down
 > to remove any air pockets. Add a half inch of water on top and seal with an
 > air-tight lid. The water creates a barrier between the avocado and the air,
 > keeping your guacamole fresh and 100% green for 24 hours or more!  When
 > ready to eat some more, just drain the excess water and enjoy.  Works like
 > a charm!

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