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Thanks for taking action to stop the TPP

Thanks for taking action on our petition: Stop the Trans Pacific Partnership:
Tell Congress: Oppose â??NAFTA on steroidsâ??.

Here are some ways you can spread the word:

[Email your friends][1] or forward the message below.

   [1]: mailto:?subject=I just signed this petition â?? will you?&body=I%20just%20signed%20a%20petition%20urging%20Congress%20to%20oppose%20the%20Trans-Pacific%20Partnership%2C%20a%20titanic%20corporate%20power%20grab%20that%20was%20negotiated%20behind%20closed%20doors%20by%20the%20governments%20of%20a%20dozen%20countries%20%28including%20ours%29%20in%20collusion%20with%20corporate%20interests.%20%0D%0A%0D%0AI%20think%20you%20should%20too%21%20%0D%0A%0D%0Ahttp%3A//act.credoaction.com/sign/stop_tpp_2016%3Freferring_akid%3Da220951622.9884738..EvjUsj%26source%3Dconf_email

If you are on Facebook, [click here to post the petition to your timeline][2].

   [2]: http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?no_akid=1&u=http%3A//act.credoactio

If you have a Twitter account, click here to automatically tweet:

[Sign the petition: Tell Congress: Oppose the #TPP http://bit.ly/1Pvcuuv via
@CREDOMobile #StopTPP #p2 #1u][3]

   [3]: http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?no_akid=1&text=Sign%20the%20petition%3A%20Tell%20Congress%3A%20Oppose%20the%20%23TPP%20%20http%3A//bit.ly/1Pvcuuv%20via%20@CREDOMobile%20%23StopTPP%20%23p2%20%231u

Thanks for all you do.

â??The CREDO Action Team

* * *

Hereâ??s a sample message to send to your friends:

SUBJECT: I just signed this petition â?? will you?

I just signed a petition urging Congress to oppose the Trans-Pacific
Partnership, a titanic corporate power grab that was negotiated behind closed
doors by the governments of a dozen countries (including ours) in collusion
with corporate interests.

I think you should too!



   [4]: https://pixel.monitor1.returnpath.net/pixel.gif?r=885mR63kCokKq0CWh4QJ9Gq2Rw&s=&c=ak&aid=9884738

Why do you want this page removed?