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Re: Cohousing

 > From: "Jane R. Mueller" <http://www.wellchosenwords.net/~jmueller>
 > Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2016 14:40:23 -0800
 > Robert, the phone number for Silicon Valley Cohousing led me eventually 
 > to this e-mail address for you.
 > Are you involved with the group?

I am.

 > I am a member of Mission Peak Cohousing in Fremont. I wanted to explore 
 > whether your members might want to join forces with us in McCamant and 
 > Durrett's "Getting It Built" workshop.

I forwarded a message from a Donna Schroder announcing an April 9 and 10,
2016 workshop called "Getting It Built" in Fremont to the Yahoo group,
with all the details.  Is this the same?

 > Yours,
 > Jane Mueller

Why do you want this page removed?