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 > From: "Nextdoor Japantown" <http://www.nextdoor.com/~nextdoor>
 > Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2016 21:59:50 +0000
 > Subject: 6 new messages from your neighbors today
 > Nextdoor Japantown: Daily Digest
 > New Posts
 > ---------
 > Debrayh Gaylle from Northside posted a message: 
 >     Lemons
 >     I have more lemons the I could ever use. I will be setting them on
 >     the front walk before I leave for work. 411 n 14 th help yourself
 >     if the are still here Sunday night sadly they will go into the
 >     trash.  
 >     Deb 
 >     411 n 14th between Empire  and Washington the big blue house.
 >     3 new replies
 >     Sandra Escobar from Japantown:
 >         Instead of trash perhaps a drop off to the Salvation Army food
 >         kitchen on  and the railroad tracks, near Julian Street. 
 >         I donated 60 lbs of grapes from my yard and they were on the
 >         plates the next day.
 >         Just a thought.
 >     Melissa Barrett from Horace Mann:
 >         Also, freeze your lemons whole. Then, grate them for zest, or
 >         use them in recipes. They pretty much disintegrate when thawed
 >         and put in a hot pot.
 >     Malissa Magallanez from Northside:
 >         I highly recommend contacting Garden to Table, a group that
 >         collects produce, distributes to schools and churches and can
 >         even pick for you. They have come to my house two years in a
 >         row to pick my persimmons and it's been a lifesaver. Erin came
 >         to NAC meeting last night to advertise their services. I think
 >         she's at http://www.garden2table.org/~erin

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