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Re: Fwd: HELP! I need more people to come to my volunteer event

If all they're doing is calling people, why not just have a Google Hangout

 > From: Team Bernie <http://www.berniesanders.com/~info>
 > Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 14:52:09 +0000
 > Hey everyone, it's Will from Bernie 2016 national staff.
 > paul, a local volunteer in where-I-live, has asked me to help find some nearby 
 > Bernie supporters to attend an event on Sunday, March 27th.
 > See their email below or just get more info and RSVP at this link:
 > https://secure.berniesanders.com/page/event/detail/44h3v
 > Thanks,
 > Team Bernie
 > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 > From: http://www.gmail.com/~ganymede235
 > Subject: HELP! I need more people to come to my volunteer event
 > Hello, neighbors!
 > I'm hosting a volunteer event and I need a few more Bernie supporters to attend 
 > to make this event a big success. Will you please attend my event?
 > https://secure.berniesanders.com/page/event/detail/44h3v
 > Thank you,
 > paul

Why do you want this page removed?