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FW: ACTION REQUEST: Lets stop TPP before its Too Late

 > From: http://www.gmail.com/~AccuracyIT
 > Date: 22 Mar 2016 16:27:58 -0700
 > Please participate in this important effort to STOP TPP. a real
 > stinker that's bad for consumers, workers, everything and everyone.
 > This is our moment to alert America to the threats of the Trans-Pacific 
 > Partnership (TPP).
 > Candidates and talking heads across the political spectrum have
 > mentioned the TPP more times this month than they did in the previous
 > year.
 > And now, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz â??
 > and the head of Public Citizenâ??s Global Trade Watch
 > program, Lori Wallach â?? are taking down the bogus
 > arguments used to sell the TPP.
 > Watch and share the video. Then urge your representative to say
 > â??No!â?? to the TPP.
 > http://qz.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=65BjLV5DfcBvpJsjX9fG95KeOZDrfdvd
 > Although it could affect every aspect of our lives, the TPP was
 > written behind closed doors. Hundreds of corporate trade advisers had
 > a role, while the public, the press and Congress were locked out.
 > For years, few people knew what the TPP was or how dangerous it would
 > be for jobs and wages, food safety, the environment and so much more.
 > Polling shows too many Americans are still not aware of how bad the
 > TPP would be.
 > Help spread the word: Watch the new TPP video, pass it on to others
 > and write your representative now.
 > http://qz.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=DBID3nVc%2BVNfu17ZS0qLDJKeOZDrfdvd
 > We must seize this moment to take the TPP down for good.
 > We need to harness the political spotlight on the TPP to educate our
 > friends and neighbors about the damage this deal could do to all of
 > our lives.
 > We must make it difficult for members of Congress to even consider
 > supporting this deal.
 > Please take action now. 
 > http://qz.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=zc2eS9UOEsYzMY2XqM94VpKeOZDrfdvd
 > Thanks for all you do.
 > In solidarity,
 > Melanie Foley
 > Public Citizenâ??s Global Trade Watch
 > Public Citizen employees are members of SEIU Local 500. We support
 > the right of workers in the United States and around the world to
 > organize freely. Union Yes!  © 2016 Public Citizen
 > â?¢ 215 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, 3rd Floor / Washington,
 > D.C. 20003 â?¢

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