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Fwd: Concerning Artie - 4/8/16 - our latest update.

> From: Anne <http://profiles.yahoo.com/ajam>
> Date: April 8, 2016 at 6:44:42 PM MDT
> Greetings everyone,
> This to me is an important update and maybe the best way to go about it is to 
> present it as a timeline.  I haven't the energy to write a too-detailed novel,
>  I HOPE, yet I want to respond to all who are concerned and asking about 
> Artie. 
> Sooo.........
> .... April 1st (last Friday) Artie had been complaining for quite some time 
> of intense headaches, so I called his PCP who said to bring him in asap.  
> There were various tests and blood work that took place, an antibiotic was 
> prescribed, Artie was reminded not to drive because of still being on 
> Oxycodone, but what was especially helpful from my perspective is that the 
> PCP immediately called Artie's Neurosurgeon's office to insist that his next 
> apt with the surgeon be moved up.  His apt had been scheduled for April 19th, 
> but our PCP said that was outrageous considering all Artie's been through, so 
> she was able to have it rescheduled for this past Wed, April 6th.  Also Artie 
> is scheduled to see her again next Friday, April 15th.  Wow, what a blessing. 
>   :)
> .... April 6th (this past Wednesday) Artie and I went to the rescheduled 
> appointment with the Neurosurgeon, and he determined that Artie's shunt be 
> adjusted right away so that the fluid from the brain be discharged more 
> slowly, and as such the intensity of the headaches might be lessened.  It 
> took no more than 2 mins for the adjustment to take place, which is so 
> amazing to me.  As for Artie's balance, it had increasingly improved since 
> his shunt surgery on Feb. 17th, so by Wed's apt (the 6th) the issues with his 
> balance were fairly resolved.
> .... Later when at home, in the middle of this same Wednesday night however, 
> Artie had the most traumatic fall to date and hit his head hard against a 
> bathroom wall.  Once again he couldn't stand or walk in balance.  Thankfully 
> he never lost consciousness.  It took a very long time for me to get him back 
> to bed, however, and he was clearly shaken; so I made calls to the 
> Neurosurgeon's office as well as to Artie's PCP  the following morning (April 
> 7th/yesterday) reporting to each what happened, and they insisted I bring him 
> to the nearest ER right away, and if he refused, to call an ambulance.  Their 
> main concern was that there might be some internal bleeding.  Long story 
> short is that we did go to the nearest ER, Artie was there for the greater 
> part of the day, and after around a 9-hr stay, Artie was then sent home by a 
> taxi.  Can you believe it!
> ....To track back a bit, because Artie had been given only 3 basic tests 
> within those 9 hrs (with most of our time spent waiting) the drs agreed that 
> he would need to stay overnight so as to conduct further tests in the morning,
>  which would have been THIS morning.  Because of my having night-blindness 
> with a complete disability to drive at night, I had to leave Artie in the ER 
> to return home with the intention of joining him for breakfast the next day, 
> which would have been THIS morning.  To my great shock, however, Artie walked 
> into our home last night at 10 pm telling me he was told that they had no 
> available rooms at the hospital, so he would have to return home.  Since I 
> now was no longer present to drive him home, they called a taxi to get him 
> here; and again I was in shock when I saw him enter our home still wearing a 
> johnny and wrapped in a hospital blanket.  What a surreal sight.  I was not 
> only in shock but also in horror, and I'm still not sure how to address this 
> issue with the administrators, but I indeed will need to address it.
> .... Some good that has come from all this is that Artie did NOT have 
> internal bleeding, and he suddenly seems much better than he's been for a 
> very long time.  We have no idea as to how long this may last, of course, but 
> in the meantime it feels like a miracle.  The 2 of us have been joking all 
> day saying that maybe what helped most WAS hitting his head against the wall. 
>  You just never know what might create a healing.   :)))
> So many hugs to you, one and all, and know that always we send you so much 
> love and gratitude for all of your thoughts and prayers.  They REALLY DO help!
> !!!!!!!!!!
> Much love to each of you -
> Anne Marie and Artie                 
> PS   1)  Forgive me again for not sending replies to any of you who may 
> respond, but Artie and I are truly in need of renewal.
>         2)  Minus the details, Artie and I want to extend a huge thank you to 
>         our immediate neighbors to each side of us - Diane and Arthur Foss to 
>         the right, and Pat Wright to the left.  You are truly among our 
>         greatest blessings.    oxo

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