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Renew your DynDNS Service

Your Remote Access service has expired, and we want you back! Come see our special offer!
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Hi There,

Did you forget about your DynDNS Remote Access account?  We haven't!  Come back and enjoy a special savings.

Here are a few things you might miss:

1. Monitoring your home security camera to keep an eye on things that matter;

     family, property and even those furry family members.

2. Retrieving your files and accessing applications from anywhere in the world.

3. Running a server or website and managing remotely.

4. Running a game server with your friends.

5. A fixed IP address at an affordable price.

Don't miss your chance to always stay connected! Save 20% by entering VIP20 upon checkout.

Renew Now! <http://info.dyn.com/SS0W470Gu2v0AAi0700VUws>
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1.) You're an awesome customer of Dyn or

2.) You subscribed via our website <http://info.dyn.com/b00007SuVAl2Wi7p040UGvA>

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