To be honest, I'm less worried about the liars than I am about the ones that do nothing and don't even try to stand up for anything. > From: Kepler's Books <> > Date: Fri, 27 May 2016 14:31:19 -0400 (EDT) > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > Dear Robert, > > We hold extraordinary events here at Kepler's Books in Menlo Park with some of > the > finest political minds in the country, from investigative journalist Chris > Hedges, > who brought his book Wages of Rebellion to us, to John Perkins, the author of > Confessions > of An Economic Hit Man. > In a few weeks, we're hosting another unique event that we thought would appeal > > to you. Ari Rabin-Havt, the nationally broadcast radio show host who helms The > Agenda > on Sirius XM will be at Kepler's for a special evening episode of In Deep Radio > > with Angie Coiro. > Ari is coming to talk about his new book, Lies, Incorporated. In this new book, > > Art Rabin-Havt and Media Matters for America unravel a conspiracy of lies that > pulls > the wool over the eyes of the American public every day. Here he exposes a > carefully > coordinated campaign of misinformation that seeks to change the public's > perception > of important issues like tobacco, climate change, health care, immigration > reform, > and more. > "Politicians lie," he writes in his introduction. "This behavior is not the > monopoly > of any political party or ideology. They lie about their personal lives, their > aberrant > behavior, and their records. This book is not about those lies. > The lies we are concered with are the ones many politicians fully believe are > true--ones > that have been passed to them by a staffer, a constituent, or a lobbyist. These > > lies, sometimes repeated without intent, are designed to distort the > policy-making > process. Dig deep enough and you find an industry dedicated to the creation of > those > lies and a group of people who profit from them. They are Lies, Incorporated." > At this special event, guests will be treated to the behind-the-scenes > production > of a live radio show to be broadcast on 91.7 FW KALW in San Francisco and many > > other listening venues. We hope you'll RSVP for this free, unique author event > > HERE [ > > ]. > The staff of Peninsula Arts & Letters and Kepler's Books. > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~