I remember looking into dtDNS and it looked pretty reasonable. On the surface, DuckDNS looks good. Also, you'll need to make sure you can actually access (say, via ssh) your laptop. Many ISPs (e.g., Comcast) block a number of incoming ports. In this case, the only way to get around it is to have an intermediate server, such as a VPS. I guess you could also use your school's computer if they allow ssh via key authentication. See if you don't know how to do this already. If you do use your school's computer, you can use ssh tunnels to get back to your laptop. I can show you how to do that if you want since it's a little complicated. As an alternative to your school account, my offer to create an account on my VPS for you is still on the table. If so, please send me your ssh public key (generate one if don't already have one) since I only allow logins via key on that machine. Finally, you still have an account on my home computer and you can ssh into there. However, I restrict the IP addresses that can ssh into there and I have to add it manually each time. So, this is definitely not a general or preferred method.