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Re: first draft of solstice message so far

 > From: Noelle <noelle>
 > Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2016 10:33:32 -0800 (PST)
 > On Sun, 20 Nov 2016, Robert wrote:
 >  >   * People
 >  >     * The last of the really great bohemians.  Our former neighbor and
 >  >       friend, a ballerina and popular and loved ballet teacher, passed
 >  >       away suddenly (a matter of weeks) over the summer.  Her life was
 >  >       quite expansive and interesting.  The memorial service was
 >  >       engaging, beautiful, and moving.
 > http://www.liselacour.com/?page_id=2
 > I would add this in case people want to learn more


 >  >     * The proper slaughtering of vegetables.  Each vegetable has its own
 >  >       nature, and needs to be treated individually.  This is especially
 >  >       true when it comes to their preparation, cooking, and placement in
 >  >       an entree.  In July, associated with the author's book, there was
 >  >       a presentation of how to properly cut vegetables for their
 >  >       ultimate use.
 > you're not going to say her name? why Zimbardo and not her (Cara..?) are 
 > you unconsciously sexist by not mentioning her?

Here's the updated paragraph.

    * The proper slaughtering of vegetables.  Each vegetable has its own
      nature, and needs to be treated individually.  This is especially
      true when it comes to their preparation, cooking, and placement in
      an entree.  In July, associated with the Cara Mangini's book,
      there was a presentation of how to properly cut vegetables for
      their ultimate use.

 >  >     * Rain, rain, didn't go away.  The drought in Ca is
 >  >       officially over.  It did certainly rain quite a lot in the spring
 > no, it's not officially over

Here's the updated paragraph.

    * Rain, rain, didn't go away.  The water conservation emergency in
      Ca is officially over.  It did certainly rain quite a lot
      in the spring and in the fall of this year.  Because it was out of
      the ordinary, my usual yard clean-up routines had to change quite
      a bit over this year.  That's quite apart from the hellish Bermuda
      grass which has returned with a vengeance this year, invading
      every square inch of ground.

Why do you want this page removed?