Happy Winter Solstice! Here is my latest contact information: Robert . where-I-live my-Oakland-voicemail-number (voicemail) our-San-Jose-phone-number our-Oakland-cell-phone-number (cell) http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert http://www. My solstice update is below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ News Lifestyle * Careers * Not an apple turnover. The piece of the company that does primarily software development was sold off this year. We're now an independent company. A little scary, but at least the monkey is no longer sitting on our backs. As long as there continue to be cyber security breaches and compromises, we'll probably be fine. * Heavy courting. An internship spot was available for my nephew this year. In an effort to make the idea of joining after their university education is completed, the company went out of their way to provide stellar accomodations. They provided a luxury apartment with access to a pool, a small gym, good access to public transit, and very high speed internet. Due to above situation with my company, it's doubtful that anything even vaguely like this will be offered again. * Home * Personal insecurity. At 3am, I heard the backdoor open. I jumped out of bed and ran to the door. I found a man who had come into the house. We had managed to leave the door unlocked. He was asking for his friend named Ricky and thought that he had entered his house. I loudly told him to leave. Luckily, he didn't want trouble and was happy to go back out the door. It was a very unnerving experience. Since then, we've been much more vigilant about locking doors. * Transportation * Bicycle * Shifting around for noise reduction. Wind noise while commuting on my bike was getting annoying. So, I found these things you stick on your helmet in front of your ears called "Cat Ears" to tone down the high-pitched whistling of air passing by. They make me look very strange. But, luckily, around here, people are expected to look weird. * Travel * A visit to a toasty alpine. We never got to see the clear blue water of Lake Tahoe in previous trips because it was frozen over. This year, we traveled to Tahoe during a summer visit and stayed in a summer home close to the water. The views and scenes were quite nice, and the food was good. Some pics can be found at https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/albums/72157670168346465 * Living in a bubble and with bubbles. After many years of living in the Bay Area, I finally got to see the Monterey Bay Aquarium. We stayed over the weekend in Monterey for Noelle's birthday and took the chance to see some fish and other fauna. Got lots of pics, which can be found at https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/albums/72157677314495146 * Food * An upper crust to crusty vegans. In July, we stumbled upon a cooking demonstration at our local vegetable farm, which included vegetable pakoras and eggplant (!) chocolate cake. After the demo was done, we discovered that the chef was offering a high-end vegan dinner at a local hangout. We knew we had to participate and immediately bought tickets. It was an interesting, fun, and tasty time. * Health * Eyes * Visual distortions. I had several more visits with my retina specialist to look at my eyes. My retina has improved slightly, so much so that I actually had my optometrist prescriptions filled out. I can see better, but there is definitely room for improvement in my eyesight. * Psyche * Sometimes, there is no reconciliation. Some people and beings are liked by everybody, and, oddly, some people and beings like everybody. I am in neither category. I have come to accept that there are some people and beings that I must never associate myself with for the rest of my life. I am very lucky that I have the ability and freedom to do this since there are a great number of people who cannot extricate themselves from their situations. * People * The last of the really great bohemians. Our former neighbor and friend, a ballerina and popular and loved ballet teacher, passed away suddenly (a matter of weeks) over the summer. Her life was quite expansive and interesting. The memorial service was engaging, beautiful, and moving. http://www.liselacour.com/?page_id=2 * Missing persons. I continue to no longer have email addresses for these people: Clayton Glad Louise Zivnuska Bruce Moreland Scott Fraize If you're in contact with any of these people, please tell them that I am missing their email addresses. * Clothing * A long slog. It took quite a bit of research, but I managed to find some ergonomic leather- and animal-free water-resistant boots for the rare occasions when we receive rain in Ca. Entertainment * Movies * The end of an institution. The only large cinema in downtown San had to close its doors. It's unclear what's going to happen with the various where-I-live-based film festivals. Perhaps they'll move to more inconvenient venues. * Not so on-demanding. Per usual, you can see my DVD Netflix queue at http://tinyurl.com/nosnetflixqueue . Neither my Netflix instant watch queue nor my Movielens ratings can be shared. * Music * Tearing down the wall with metal. Noelle was nice enough to take me to a concert for my birthday this year. The band we saw was Metalachi. They play heavy metal favorites using only mariachi instruments and with a latino bent. It was funny, great, and awesome, especially the violinist playing blazingly fast notes. * Not a topping or a spread. Zepperella is a Led Zeppelin cover band made up entirely of women. Founded by the Bonham-inspired drummer, all the musicians are excellent. We saw 'em in August. Some pics can be found at https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/28490913983/ , https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/29004736812/ , https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/28821442680/ , https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/29108130355/ , and https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/28821447250/ . * A bit of give and take. After all the years of living here, we finally gave in and went to the where-I-live Jazz Festival. Although we saw the drummer-percussionist Allison Miller, the big draw for us was to see the Ukrainian band Dakhabrakha. "Jazz" is not how I would describe them; definitely avant-garde and different, with lots of vocal ensembles. Very good. Some pics can be seen at https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/29003113632/ , https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/29108146425/ , and https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/28486795884/ . * The not-so-well received receiver. We have this problem with our stereo receiver circa turn-of-the-century where one of the channels will just poop out. It is very annoying and we brought it into the repair shop. After 5 weeks of trying to reproduce the problem, I gave up and told them to just return it. It still has the problem. I'm hoping that the receiver will just completely die so that the problem will be obvious. * Books * Solid state power. I got to read two graphic biographies by Ted Rall this year: Snowden and Trump. Each was so riveting, I read each in a single sitting. I'm not certain that these will prepare me for what's to come or not. It's doubtful that anything will. * Avoiding idiocracy. Although I really only know him from his books about shyness and his famous prison experiment, Phillip Zimbardo was trying to relay a deeper message: a new lost generation of boys due to technology and changing societal norms. Not sure if I entirely agree with all of his conclusions, but certainly an interesting hypothesis. * The proper slaughtering of vegetables. Each vegetable has its own nature, and needs to be treated individually. This is especially true when it comes to their preparation, cooking, and placement in an entree. In July, associated with the Cara Mangini's book, there was a presentation of how to properly cut vegetables for their ultimate consumption. * Television * Still not smart. We finally moved up to a 24" television from our old 17" television, giving up the need for several converters and adapters needed for compatibility with recent standards. However, it's certainly not the cutting edge "smart" technology -- we're still floating around about a 2013 technology at this point. * Outdoors * All Ohlone in Fremont. We traveled up to Fremont in October to attend the annual gathering of the Ohlone, people native to this area. Learned a lot and did a lot of walking. Politics/Society * Ecology/Environment * Rain, rain, didn't go away. Emergency water regulations in Ca have been scaled back. It did certainly rain quite a lot in the spring and in the fall of this year. Because it was out of the ordinary, my usual yard clean-up routines had to change quite a bit over this year. That's quite apart from the hellish Bermuda grass which has returned with a vengeance this year, invading every square inch of ground. * Voting/Elections * Democrat for a day. I went through the hassle of changing my voter registration just so that I could vote for Bernie Sanders in the primary in Ca because it might have been the only chance to change the wrongly-headed direction of the Democratic Party. Because the party decided that it was in no mood to change and to disappoint me, I reverted back to my usual third party status. * The greater of two evils. As with most people, I was shocked that Donald Trump won the presidency, given the poll results. Obviously, traditional polling does not work. Perhaps latent statistical analysis of social media, internet searches, and some apps will be more accurate. Who knows? Technology * Computers * Slinking into the digital age. Our cassette tape deck was sitting broken for months. While trying to deal with our stereo, we also wanted to get the tape deck fixed. Turns out, it was as expensive to get it repaired as it would be to just buy a replacement. So, we opted for a replacement. As part of this process, I realized that the days are numbered for being able to play all these cassette tapes we have. We have started tediously digitizing these tapes by connecting it up to a USB audio adapter and using audacity to "record" to FLAC files. * Internet * Email * A trip to the breach. The Yahoo mail hack was a bit of a pain, 'tho probably a good wake-up call for me. I systematically went through all my passwords and secret questions to ensure there was no possible overlap, and changed stuff.