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Re: from Gail re: tomorrow

 > From: "Gail" <http://www.cox.net/~g3>
 > Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2016 20:59:56 -0800
 > Hi Noelle and Robert,  
 > Our refrigerator is now totally full with enough food for us to get through
 > until you leave, so I hope you bring in your car a large cooler with your
 > food as there is no room in our refrigerator for your extra food that you,
 > Robert, will need.

We might have something.  We'll look.

 > If not, we have a cooler in our shed that you can use.

OK.  I'm not too worried about it: even unrefrigerated, the vegetables
will be unlikely to go bad in the short time we'll be down there.

 > We
 > just finished cleaning up from our Happy Hour Holiday neighborhood party
 > this eve. to meet several new neighbors that moved in recently and have some
 > additional leftover snacks that you might enjoy eating while you are here.
 > They are stuffed grape leaves with rice stuffing and rice crackers.
 > It is predicted to rain quite a bit tomorrow here so hope you don't have a
 > miserable drive down here. We had a small amount of rain here yesterday, but
 > a totally clear sunny day in the 60's today. Of course SB needs more rain
 > than you do in Northern CA to alleviate our drought and fill our almost
 > empty reservoir. When you first wake up, it will be quite cold here in the
 > early AM, so bring appropriate clothing for that time, until the heater
 > heats things up. Of course you can turn on your electric blanket at night as
 > we turn off the thermostat at night to save energy and expense.


 > Look forward to seeing you tomorrow here after 3 PM. Tomorrow night we will
 > eat dinner at the Vegan restaurant on the Mesa about 6:30 or 7 PM. They will
 > definitely be open then. 


 > Cheers,
 > Gail

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