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Re: Fwd: Chris -heart condition ToF

yep, there should be a few of those specialists in Boston!

On Wed, 25 Jan 2017, Bhavani wrote:
 > I sent this to Amy to get Chris to get Chris to see a cardiologistâ?¤
 > > **As adults, itâ??s important that they stay in the care of an adult  congenital heart specialistâ?¼
 > > 
 > > Most adults with ToF had a â??complete ToF repairâ?? in childhood. In this  repair, surgeons close the hole in the heart and open up the narrow heart  valve to the lungs (the pulmonary valve). While most people who undergo this  repair feel well and have few problems in childhood, this does not mean that  their hearts are fixed permanently. As people born with ToF age, new heart  problems can develop. As adults, itâ??s important that they stay in the   care  of an adult congenital heart specialist.

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