Hi Robert, Thank you for choosing Anderson's for your tree care needs! We hope you are pleased with the results. Attached is the invoice for the completed work. If you have any questions, please let us know. Please remit payment to: Anderson's Tree Care Specialists, Inc. 121 N 27th St where-I-live 95116 Cheers, Doug Doug Anderson, President Anderson's Tree Care Specialists, Inc. A TCIA Accredited Company ISA Certified Arborist #1061WE TRAQ Qualified QAL # 137232 TCIA CTSP #01321 Ca State Contractors License # 705171 Office: 408 226-8733 Cell: 408 206-2722 www.andersonstreecare.com Content-Type: application/pdf; name="Terms and Conditions.PDF" Content-Description: Terms and Conditions.PDF Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Terms and Conditions.PDF"; size=115715; creation-date="Wed, 15 Mar 2017 22:13:01 GMT"; modification-date=" Mon, 04 Aug 2014 22:06:08 GMT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Terms and Conditions It is agreed by and between Anderson's Tree Care Specialists, lnc. and the authorizing party (customer and/or customer's agent) that the following provisions are made as part of this contract: lnsurance by Contractor: Anderson's Tree Care Specialists, Inc. wanants that it is insured for liability resulting from injury to person(s) or property and that all employees are covered by Workers' Compensation as required by law. Certificates of coverage are available upon reouest. CancellationFee: Anderson'sTreeCareSpecialists, Inc.kindlyrequeststhattheauthorizingpartyprovideatleast24hoursadvance beassessedamobilization fee of$300.00 for incurred expenses. noticeofanyfullorpartial workcancellation. Ifacrewhasbeendispatchedtothejobsite,thecustomerwill Completion ofContract: Anderson's Tree Care Specialists, Inc. agrees to do its best to meet any agreed upon performance dates, but shall not be liable in damages or otherwise for delays because ofinclement weather, labor, or any other cause beyond its control; nor shall the customer be relieved of completion for delays. Tree Ownership: The authorizing pany warrants that all trees listed are located on the customer's property, and, if not, that the authorizing party has received full permission from the owner to allow Anderson' s Tree Care Specialists, Inc. to perform the specified work. Should any tree be mistakenly identified as to ownership, the customer agrees to indemnifo Anderson's Tree Care Specialists , [nc. for any damages or costs incurred from the result thereof. Safetv: Anderson'sTreeCareSpecialists, lnc.warrantsthatallarboriculturaloperationswill followthelatestversionoftheANSIZl33.l industry safety standards. The authorizing party agrees to not enter the work area during arboricultural operations unless authorized by the crew leader on-site. ANSI 4.300 Tree Care Standard Definitions: The following definitions apply to specifications detailed in this proposal. clean:Selectivepruningtoremoveoneormoreofthefollowingparts: dead,diseased,and/orbrokenbranches. Unlessnotedotherwise on this proposal, all cleaning will be ofbranches linch diameter or greater throughout the entire crown. crown: The leaves and branches of a tree measured from the lowest branch on the trunk to the toD of the tree. leader: A dominant or co-dominant, upright stem. raise: Selective pruning to provide vertical clearance. reduce: Selective pruning to decrease height and/or spread by removing specified branches. restore: Selective pruning to improve the structure, form, and appearance oftrees that have been severely headed, vandalized, or damaged. thin: Selective pruning to reduce density oflive branches, usually by removing entire branches. vista pruning: Selective pruning to allow a specific view, usually by creating view "windows" through the tree's crown. Stump Removal: Unless specified in the proposal, stump removal is not included in the price quoted. Grindings from stump removal are not hauled unless specified in this proposal. Surface and subsurface roots beyond the stump are not removed unless specified in this proposal. Concealed Continsencies: Any additional work or equipment required to complete the work, caused by the authorizing parly's failure to make known or caused by previously unknown foreign material in the trunk, the branches, underground, or any other condition not apparentinestimatingtheworkspecified,shall bepaidforbythecustomeronatimeandmaterial basis. Anderson'sTreeCare Specialists, Inc. is not responsible for damages to underground sprinklers, drain lines, invisible fences or underground cables unless the system(s) are adequately and accurately mapped by the authorizing pafty and a copy is presented before or at the time the work is performed. Clean-up! Clean-up shall include removing wood, brush. and clippings, and raking ofthe entire area affected by the specified work, unless noted otherwise on this proposal. Lawn Repair: Anderson's Tree Care Specialists, Inc. will attempt to minimize all disturbances to the customer's lawn. Lawn repairs are not included in the contract price, unless noted otherwise on this proposal. Terms of Pavment: Unless otherwise noted in this proposal. the customer agrees to pay the account in full within 30 days of work completion. Failure to remit full payment within the payment term will result in a finance charge of 3.00% per month. Returned Check Fee: There will be a $25.00 fee charged for all checks returned to our office for non-sufficient funds. Content-Type: application/pdf; name="Robert 2017 inv 2814.pdf" Content-Description: Robert 2017 inv 2814.pdf Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Robert 2017 inv 2814.pdf"; size=36912; creation-date="Wed, 15 Mar 2017 22:12:32 GMT"; modification-date=" Wed, 15 Mar 2017 22:11:52 GMT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Invoice Date: 03/15/2017 Invoice: 2814 Sales Arborist: Doug Anderson Robert Contact Information Site Information where-I-live Phone: our-San-Jose-phone-number Email: http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert Name: default customer site Invoice Due Date: 03/15/2017 Proposal # 4260 Service # Service Description 1 Crown Reduction Asset(s) Work Completed Price #1 Avocado 03/15/2017 $320.00 #2 Persimmon 03/15/2017 $240.00 #3 Privet #4 Cherry 03/15/2017 $440.00 #3 Privet #4 Cherry 03/15/2017 $360.00 Reduce the crown by 25% to minimize failure potential. Remove dead wood greater than one inch in diameter. Clear from buildings by 36 feet if required. Raise to 14 feet over roads and 8 feet over turf if required. Clear from utility lines by 1-3 feet if required. Minimize branch overhang over roof. 4260 2 Fruit Tree Pruning Prune to reduce the weight and length of heavy branches. Promote proper fruit tree growth habit per species. Make thinning cuts to reduce crown by 25%. Control fruit production by leaving 3-7 groups of buds on fruiting wood. 4260 3 Remove Tree(s) Safely remove the tree(s) as close to grade level as practical. Remove resulting debris. 4260 4 Stump Grinding (Smaller back yard grinders) Page 1 of 2 ^LInvoice Date: 03/15/2017 Invoice: 2814 Sales Arborist: Doug Anderson Robert Contact Information Site Information where-I-live Phone: our-San-Jose-phone-number Email: http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert Name: default customer site Invoice Due Date: 03/15/2017 Proposal # Service # Service Description Asset(s) Work Completed Price Grind stump below surface to a depth of 10-12 inches or until woody stump material is removed. Spread excess grindings adjacent to stump site. Invoice Due Date: 03/15/2017 Subtotal: $1360.00 Tax: $0.00 Total Price: $1360.00 Page 2 of 2