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Fwd: Artie now at Lahey - Sunday - 5/7/17

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Anne Marie Lavigne <http://profiles.yahoo.com/ajamlavigne>
> Date: May 7, 2017 at 4:45:19 
> Subject: Fw: Artie now at Lahey - Sunday - 5/7/17
> Reply-To: Anne Marie Lavigne <http://profiles.yahoo.com/ajamlavigne>
> Again I'm sharing this with my Croteau family and a few close friends.    oxo
> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: Anne Marie Lavigne <http://profiles.yahoo.com/ajamlavigne>
> To: Kathy Boisvert <http://www.live.com/~kboisvert>; Don Boisvert <
> http://www.hotmail.com/~donboisvert>; Michele Dinicola <http://www.aol.com/~mdinicola8>; Ray and 
> Sally Lavigne <http://www.comcast.net/~hittmaster>; Bill Lavigne <http://profiles.yahoo.com/brobillnj> 
> Cc: Jeremy Lavigne <http://profiles.yahoo.com/ljjlavigne>
> Sent: Sunday, May 7, 2017 6:31 AM
> Hello our Lavigne family -
> Artie was taken by ambulance to Lahey in Burlington last night, so he's there 
> now.  The phone number given is:  781-744-8512.  I'm unsure if that's Lahey's 
> main number or perhaps the nurses-station's number in the unit where Artie 
> will be.  He's now in Rm 6, East - TCU - Bed 2.  I suspect we may need 
> direction once we're there.
> Jeremy and I will be visiting with Artie today.  We're leaving around 10 am 
> and we look forward to some family time, as unusual as that may sound.  It 
> seems like forever since I've had personal time with Artie, so I look forward 
> to having more in the future.  I deeply miss our personal time together, 
> perhaps more than anyone can imagine.
> If any of you (Lavignes) want to visit with Artie on Monday, please feel 
> free.  It may be good to call Lahey first to check on his condition.  We 
> intend to do the same.  Also if you're planning future visits during the week,
>  do let us know.
> It's my hope and prayer that a new set of eyes, within this larger facility, 
> will bring about some helpful solutions to Artie's healthcare.  Since the 
> word was out for an available bed at Mass General, Brigham's, Concord 
> Hospital and the Lahey Clinic - with Lahey being the first to respond - I 
> need to trust that God wants him there.  May it be so.
> I hope this Sunday unfolds beautifully for us all.
> With love and prayer for Artie's well-being,
> Anne Marie and Jeremy
> PS  No calls, please.  I'm really rushing this morning.

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