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Fwd: Artie has passed

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 Be love now

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Anne Marie Lavigne <http://profiles.yahoo.com/ajamlavigne>
> Date: May 23, 2017 at 8:33:14 PM MDT
> To: "http://www.gmail.com/~acuherbheals  " <http://www.gmail.com/~acuherbheals>,  Anand Somasekharan  
>   <http://www.gmail.com/~asomasekharan>,  Anne Martel    <http://www.gmail.com/~leeannemartel>,  
> Armand Croteau    <http://www.comcast.net/~heyjoe8>,  "http://www.comcast.net/~bcval"; <
> http://www.comcast.net/~bcval>,  Bhavani   <http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl>,  Bodhipaksa    <
> http://www.gmail.com/~bodhi.sering>,  Cheryl Gillespie    <http://www.hotmail.com/~cheryl_gillespie>, 
> Claire  Boivin <http://www.comcast.net/~rina1990>,  "http://www.Gmail.com/~ClaudetteMedvecky"; <
> http://www.Gmail.com/~ClaudetteMedvecky>,  Dan  Herring <http://www.gmail.com/~herringdaniel1>,  "
> http://profiles.yahoo.com/dat7780"; <http://profiles.yahoo.com/dat7780>,  Denise Marcinuk    <
> http://www.gmail.com/~dmarc0731>,  Denyse  Student <http://www.gmail.com/~Denysestudent>,  Diane  
> Capua <http://www.comcast.net/~Dcapua7>,  Do Radius    <http://www.gmail.com/~d.l.radius>,  Dorothy 
> Landry    <http://www.gmail.com/~drklandry>,  "http://www.gwi.net/~dragonfly125  " <
> http://www.gwi.net/~dragonfly125>,  Ed Bisson    <http://www.gmail.com/~edmondbisson>,  "
> http://www.remax.net/~edbisson  " <http://www.remax.net/~edbisson>,  EVE    <http://www.gmail.com/~evesquivel>,  "
> Fr. Andy Gosselin  " <http://profiles.yahoo.com/agsm2>,  Gene and Lynda Croteau    <
> http://www.comcast.net/~genelynda32>,  Janice  Tarver <http://profiles.yahoo.com/tarverjl>,  Jeffrey  
> Tenczar <http://www.aol.com/~rclemenz21>,  Judy  Wilson <http://www.comcast.net/~wilsonjudy>,  Lee  
> Tenczar <http://www.HCAhealthcare.com/~Lee.Tenczar>,  Lillian Murgia    <
> http://www.comcast.net/~lmurgia_871>,  Lisa Anne Landry    <http://www.gmail.com/~lisaannelandry>,  
> Lois Andrews    <http://www.hotmail.com/~chiprana>,  Lorraine  Comeau <http://www.comcast.net/~pclc45>
> ,  Marguerite  Mesiti <http://profiles.yahoo.com/MBMesiti>,  Marie   Crowley <
> http://www.comcast.net/~marcrow1>,  Matthew Cheyne    <http://www.gmail.com/~matthew.cheyne>,  Maura  
> Cronin-Jortner <http://profiles.yahoo.com/mauracroninjortner>,  Maureen Croteau    <
> http://www.gmail.com/~mcroteau3>,  Michele  Dinicola <http://www.aol.com/~mdinicola8>,  Nancy Cronin  
>   <http://www.comcast.net/~nancycronin.06>,  "http://www.aol.com/~obbwatz"; <http://www.aol.com/~obbwatz>,  Paul 
> Croteau    <http://www.comcast.net/~pjcroteau>,  Raymond  Landry <
> http://profiles.yahoo.com/raymondlandry15>,  "http://www.gmail.com/~rickygoss"; <http://www.gmail.com/~rickygoss>,  
> Rita Beaudoin    <http://www.husmilton.org/~beaudoin>,  Sarah Boak    <
> http://www.hotmail.com/~theboakster>,  "http://www.wellandbeyond.org/~solveigtryba"; <
> http://www.wellandbeyond.org/~solveigtryba>,  Terry Libby    <http://www.comcast.net/~marklibby31>,  "
> http://www.comcast.net/~tjhoff007"; <http://www.comcast.net/~tjhoff007>,  "http://www.comcast.net/~tramonte"; <
> http://www.comcast.net/~tramonte>
> Subject: Artie has passed
> Reply-To: Anne Marie Lavigne <http://profiles.yahoo.com/ajamlavigne>
> Artie died tonight at the Lahey Hospital in Burlington, Ma at 6:50 pm.  His 
> brother Ray and sister-in-law, Sally, were on their way to say their 
> good-byes, but it was not to be.  Only Jeremy and I were present and his 
> passing was peaceful.  I had been with him for the entire day, and I could 
> feel the time was near. 
> Jeremy and I are exhausted right now, yet there's much to do with no real 
> end-of-life wishes.  I trust all will unfold as will be appropriate, however, 
> even if on the outer it appears not to be so.
> We intend the wake to be Thursday or Friday with a funeral mass to follow on 
> the next day.  It's been a very long haul yet it all feels so surreal.  
> Please continue to keep each of us, including Artie, in your hearts and 
> prayers.
> When we know of the specifics, we will let you know.
> So much love from the Lavigne family -  
> Artie, Jeremy and Anne Marie

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