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Re: Fw: Join SBPA Members Meeting on July 29

Does this mean you'd like us to go?

Is there a cover charge/donation?

 > From: Noelle <noelle>
 > Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2018 16:38:16 +0000 (UTC)
 > ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: South Bay Progressive Alliance <
 > http://www.SouthBayPA.org/~info>To: "http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg"; <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2018, 7:15:57 AM PDTSubject: Join SBPA Members 
 > Meeting on July 29
 > Join SBPA Members Meeting on July 29  
 > |  
 > SBPA General Members Meeting
 > Sunday July 29
 > 1:00 pm:  Enjoy a Picnic BBQ at the Municipal Rose Garden
 > (corner of Naglee Ave. and Garden Dr. San José) 
 > 2:00 pm: Meeting at the Rose Garden Library Community Room
 > 1580 Naglee Ave, where-I-live
 > Join us for a fun second Quarter members meeting which will include:
 > - Members vote on joining the Ca Progressive Alliance (see Gayle  McLaughlin's invitation below)
 > - Update on the June elections and a preview of upcoming elections
 > - Organizing a Progressive Elections Forum
 > - Supporting the Repeal of Costa Hawkins
 > - And more....
 > |  
 > A Message from Gayle McLaughlin
 > Our endorsed Candidate for Lt. Governor, Gayle McLaughlin, has shared a messageÂ
 >  with progressive organizations across Ca about how to build on the 
 > successes of the many Progressive Alliances around the state by proposing to 
 > form a Ca Progressive Alliance (CPA). See Gayles letter HERE
 > The SBPA Steering Committee has voted to recommend SBPA join the CPA, as we 
 > continue our local efforts towards electing Corporate-Free candidates for 
 > People-Focused Politics.
 > Please attend the July 29th Members Meeting, where we invite our members to 
 > vote and ratify the Steering Committee's recommendations to join the Ca 
 > Progressive Alliance (CPA).   |
 > |  
 > SBPA Endorses People-Focused Legislation!
 > Assembly Constitutional Amendment (ACA 23) - SBPA endorsed the "Legislative 
 > Transparency Act", which would require a standing committee to vote by roll 
 > call on each bill the committee hears regarding recommendation to the house and 
 > would prohibit a standing committee from holding a bill in lieu of voting on 
 > recommendation to the house. Recommended by SBPA Co-coordinators.
 > Assembly Bill AB 931- SBPA endorses the "Criminal procedure: use of force by 
 > peace officers" bill by Assemblywoman Weber. This bill would limit the use of 
 > deadly force by a peace officer in situations where it is necessary to prevent 
 > imminent and serious bodily injury or death to the officer or to a third party, 
 > it would also prohibit the use of deadly force by a peace officer in a 
 > situation where an individual poses a risk only to himself or herself. The Bill 
 > has just passed the Assembly Public Safety committee and is going to 
 > Appropriations next. Recommended by SBPA Co-coordinators.
 > Senate Bill SB-964 - SBPA endorses the "Retirement Fund: investments: 
 > climate-related financial risk". The bill requires two largest public pension 
 > funds in the country, the Ca Public Employeesâ?? Retirement System (
 > CalPERS) and the Ca State Teachersâ?? Retirement System (CalSTRS) to 
 > take climate-related  risks into account when making investment decisions and 
 > report on that risk to the legislature and the public. Recommended by the SBPA 
 > Climate Action Team.
 >  Please share with us information on legislation or bills and measure for 
 > SBPA to consist endorsing or opposing! 
 > |  
 > Join an SBPA Team and attend a Meetings!
 > - Electoral Reform Action Team: Join this Team. Next meeting is on July 9th,Â
 >  6 -7 pm at 1376 N. 4th St. SJ. Typically on the second Thursday of each 
 > month.
 > - Elections 2018 Action Team: Join this Team. Next meeting is on July 9th, 
 > 7-8:30 pm. at 1376 N. 4th St. SJ. Typically on the second Thursday of each 
 > month. 
 > - Climate Action Team: Join this Team. Next meeting July 25th, noon 
 > teleconference.
 > - Membership Committee Meeting: Join this Team. Next meeting July 10th, 7-8:
 > 30 pm. at 1376 N. 4th St. SJ. Generally on the second Tuesday of each 
 > month.
 > - Communications Committee Meeting: Join this Team. Next meeting July 9th, 
 > noon teleconference.
 > |
 > |  The sure way for us to ache our goals is to grow so please share our 
 > mission and our newsletter with your friends and community. And if you are not 
 > yet a member, please JOIN! Or come by our next General Members Meeting on July 
 > 29th, and join SBPA on the spot!  |
 > |  Happy Independence Day!
 > Have a safe and happy holiday!  |
 > |  SBPA is a 100% volunteer organization so we relay on our membership fees and 
 > your donations to conduct our work, attend meetings, organize workshops and 
 > actions. Please DONATE and help us strive for People-Focused Politics.  |
 > |  
 > OUR MISSION: The South Bay Progressive Alliance is an independent, politically 
 > unaffiliated organization with a mission to unite diverse individuals, 
 > communities, and organizations into an inclusive coalition that fights to elect 
 > local corporate-free candidates, enact progressive policies, and build 
 > institutions and a society based on democracy, equity, cooperation, compassion 
 > and sustainability. 
 > |
 > â?? Keeping local government accountable and free of corporate influence, while 
 > nurturing democracy and civic participation
 > â?? Supporting quality, affordable housing and renters rights
 > â?? Promoting well-paying, sustainable jobs
 > â?? Mobilizing for criminal justice and immigrant rights
 > â?? Holding corporations responsible for worker safety, environmental health, 
 > and investing their fair share of taxes
 > â?? Promoting quality, equitable healthcare for all
 > â?? Protecting full social services essential to our communities
 > â?? Supporting high-quality education and public schools
 > â?? Supporting gender, racial and LGBTQ+ equity
 > â?? Defending public assets for community benefit
 > â?? Promoting environmentally sound policies: clean air and water, public 
 > transportation and public utilities, and expanding commons open spaces
 > â?? Closing the income gap through worker cooperatives, organizing unions, 
 > public banks, and living wages.
 > â?? Promoting the values of a peace economy that embodies cooperation, 
 > compassion, sustainability and mutual respect.
 > |
 > |  www.SouthBayPA.org
 > Info [at] SouthBayPA [dot] org
 > Phone 408-262-8975
 > Facebook & Twitter @SouthBayPA
 > SBPA mailing address:
 > box 5397, where-I-live 95150-5397
 > All rights reserved SBPA  |

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