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Re: ACK!

 > From: Heather Howard <http://www.gmail.com/~hhoward40>
 > Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2018 19:23:17 -0700
 > https://pagesix.com/2018/09/14/steve-bannon-was-supposed-to-appear-in-michael-moores-fahrenheit-11-9/

Pillow fights.

This sorta reminds me of when we were watching No Gods, No Masters: A
History of Anarchism last night, and how the anarchists vacillated between
creating separate communities and fighting the power structure directly.

This Michael Moore article makes me think that fighting the power
structure directly, although generally unpopular, may have been a better
strategy.  (The primary tagline of the anarchists was "Land and Freedom";
but, I kept wondering why the tagline wasn't "Kill All Leaders"?)  I think
that people like Kathryn support a "favor all strategies" approach where
they are all equally worth supporting.

Why do you want this page removed?