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Re: All Your Favorite Brands, From BSTOEM to ZGGCD

 > From: Heather Howard <http://www.icloud.com/~hhoward40>
 > Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2020 20:52:48 -0800
 > https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/11/style/amazon-trademark-copyright.html

The article says this practice only happens in a tiny fraction of activity
on Amazon.com .  So, I guess, most of the time, it works out.

This article indicates that Amazon doesn't want to put too many resources
into fighting this problem.

If it gets bad enough, I could definitely see a parallel system not
associated with Amazon.com which has stronger security measures than
Amazon is willing to implement.  For example, it could have the "correct"
ratings rather than planted ones.

And, if that doesn't work, maybe people will just start abandoning Amazon
all together.  Which may be for the best.

Why do you want this page removed?