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RSIGuard v6 is available!

RSIGuard version 6 is available as a free upgrade to users of RSIGuard version 

Version 6 has a completely new user interface, and the experience has been 
improved throughout. We'd love to get feedback from experienced RSIGuard users 
like you.

You can download RSIGuard v6 from https://www.rsiguard.com/download/get6

Your current settings will migrate to v6, as will your data. If at any point 
you decide you want to go back to v5, you can download and reinstall v5 (again 
your settings and data will be preserved).

We think you'll really like what we've done, but we're anxious to get your 
constructive feedback, positive or negative! Send it to http://www.rsiguard.com/~staff -- I 
will personally read every comment we get!


   Ron Goodman
RSIGuard Project Manager

Did you know: RSIGuard v1 was originally released in 1999

Why do you want this page removed?