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Re: carson


This doesn't make me want to support him, however.

 > From: Noelle <noelle>
 > Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2020 19:14:23 -0700 (PDT)
 > to spare you having to read entire article
 > Vegetarianism
 > Consistent with the practice of many Adventists, Carson is a 
 > lacto-ovo vegetarian (he will eat dishes containing milk, eggs, or 
 > cheese, and occasionally, poultry).[227][228][229] He has said his 
 > main reason for becoming vegetarian was health concerns, including 
 > avoiding parasites and heart disease, and he emphasizes the 
 > environmental benefits of vegetarianism.[228] His transition was 
 > made easier because he had eaten little meat for aesthetic reasons 
 > as a child,[228] and he readily adopted his wife's vegetarianism 
 > because she does much of the cooking in their household.[228][229] 
 > Speaking in 1990, he said that with the increasing availability of 
 > meat substitutes, "It might take 20 years. But eventually there will 
 > no longer be a reason for most people to eat meat. And animals will 
 > breathe a sigh of relief."[228] To avoid causing others discomfort, 
 > he is willing to occasionally eat chicken or turkey, although he 
 > finds eating pork highly unpleasant.[229]

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