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Re: Freedom Limoncello

I expect that we'll be having limes in about 2 months.

I would also expect that we'll still be in stay-in-place by then.  So, we
can try this with limes at that time.

 > From: heather Howard <http://www.gmail.com/~hhoward40>
 > Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2020 22:44:56 -0700
 > Post not removed:  here it is in case you’re interested:
 > Hi all you folks with lots of lemons! I'm making a batch of limoncello today, 
 > and thought I'd post the recipe. You'll note that this recipe takes a few 
 > minutes to make up - but a total of (at least) 80 days to cure. I'm calling 
 > this batch Freedom Limoncello because I'm hoping against hope to share it with 
 > my friends and neighbors in 80-ish days at some crazy city-wide block party 
 > celebrating the end of shelter in place! Recipe (with a few note/tips): You 
 > need a large glass container of some sort. Or you can split up the batch in 
 > multiple quart canning jars. This recipe makes about 3 quarts. ~ 15 lemons (
 > Eurekas give a stronger lemon taste but Meyers work fine, too) ~ 2 bottles (750 
 > ml) 100 proof vodka. (You can use less than 100 proof, but then you can't chill 
 > it in the freezer!) ~ 4.5 cups sugar ~ 5 cups water 1. Wash lemons. Remove 
 > yellow-only peel using a sharp knife, peeler or zester. No white pulp! 2. Put 
 > the peels in your glass container (or divide them among containers). 3. Add one 
 > bottle of vodka. Close the container(s), and store away in a dark place at room 
 > temperature. 4. After 40 days, take out the container(s). In a sauce pan over 
 > high heat, make syrup: stir sugar and water together and bring to a boil. Boil 
 > for 5 minutes, then let cool for 10 minutes or so. 5. Add syrup and the second 
 > bottle of vodka to your container(s). Stir well, and note the new date on your 
 > container(s). Store in a dark place for at least 40 more days at room 
 > temperature. 6. After day 80, strain peels from mixture. (Actually - I never do 
 > this step. I just strain as I use it, and the limoncello gradually gets more 
 > lemon-y). 7. You can leave in your large container in your dark location. But I 
 > like to strain some into a pretty bottle and keep it in the freezer. 
 > Super-refreshing on a hot summer day over ice or over a scoop of ice cream. 
 > Note - you do NOT use the lemon juice from your lemons! I squeeze and freeze, 
 > and then use the juice for strawberry lemonade on a hot summer day. I'll post 
 > that recipe (from Georgeanne Brennan!) another time. Here's hoping to share my 
 > Freedom Limoncello with you all some day soon.

Why do you want this page removed?