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Re: MIT Alumni of Northern Cal joins the paranoid right?

 > From: Brian <http://www.cs..edu/~b>
 > Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2020 17:43:25 -0700
 > Well, this time I lucked out:  I 
 > paid the bills on /the last day/ to avoid the property tax penalty!

I accidentally forgot to pay my property tax bill in full the year before
last and 30 days after the due date, they sent me a letter saying that
there was still an outstanding balance and if I paid it within 5 days,
there would be no penalty.  I lucked out, too.

 > the ones who assessed correctly that in a Unix 
 > environment the grownups programmed in C, so that's what they wanted to 
 > learn, even though it's not what I would choose as a teaching language 
 > for both syntactic and semantic reasons.

To this day, whenever anybody asks me about operator precedence in C (or
C++), I always say "you mean, you haven't memorized the precedence table?"
(which is what you told me)

(I have to say that C++ is hands down the most complicated programming
language ever, next to Perl.)

Why do you want this page removed?