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Re: Baby Opposum season - be on the lookout (fwd)

 > Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 07:26:08 +0000 (UTC)
 > From: "Nextdoor Japantown" <http://www.rs.email.nextdoor.com/~reply>
 > Nextdoor Nextdoor Japantown
 > Re: Baby Opposum season - be on the lookout
 > Mark Scrivener, North Flea Market 
 > Opossums rock! They eat a ton of ticks, spiders, and various other pests.
 > Though please be careful, while they are mostly immune to rabies, they can
 > carry other diseases (mainly via fleas and ticks trying to live off them).
 > Thank you for helping save an essential worker in our community :-)

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