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Re: Fw: Three Recommendations for Safe Streets

 > From: Noelle <noelle>
 > Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 21:10:47 +0000 (UTC)
 >  they want to have open streets

All sounds good.

 >    ----- Forwarded Message -----
 > From: Emma Shlaes, Deputy Dir. , Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition <http://www.bikesiliconvalley.org/~emma>
 > To: Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 10:36:10 AM PDT
 > |  
 > Dear Noelle,
 > It’s been one month since shelter in place started in the Bay Area. Like you, 
 > SVBC has been trying to figure out what it all means, how long it will last, 
 > and what are the short- and long-term repercussions that we must adjust to. We� > �ve been closely monitoring what other cities are doing with streets around the 
 > world and talking to our friends at cities in our area to understand what’s 
 > feasible and more important, appropriate to request during this time. 
 > Governments are focused on the public health crisis and that is the number one 
 > priority. The shelter in place order has also changed how people are using 
 > streets for essential travel and exercise and this has public safety impacts as 
 > well.
 > Considering these factors, SVBC sent a letter on Friday to every city in San 
 > Mateo and Santa Clara Counties and the counties with three recommendations for 
 > safer streets while the shelter in place order lasts. We acknowledge that some 
 > of these measures may be impossible given that city staff are focused on 
 > immediate health needs. Please be respectful of your local governments’ 
 > capacity in this difficult time. The recommendations in our letter are (click 
 > here to read the full text):
 >    - Publicize a reduced speed advisory to 15 mph for residential streets to 
 >    keep everyone walking and biking safe. More people are walking and biking in 
 >    their neighborhoods to get exercise and travel to essential services nearby. 
 >    With less car traffic, people are speeding down roads, endangering those 
 >    walking and biking. A reduced speed advisory publicized by the city and 
 >    local police would help raise awareness and lead to fewer crashes and 
 >    injuries among people and less burden on the healthcare system.       
 >       - An additional step would be to adjust signal timing to slow vehicle 
 >       speeds and ensure safety
 >    - More space for the increased number of people walking and biking. Our 
 >    biking and walking networks are insufficient to meet the needs of people 
 >    getting exercise outdoors and traveling while maintaining six feet of social 
 >    distance. We recommend identifying streets where bikeways and sidewalks 
 >    could be expanded, creating quick build or pilot bikeways and sidewalks on 
 >    streets that have excess vehicle lanes. SVBC is ready to help identify 
 >    streets and rally volunteers to install signs and barricades to make it 
 >    work. (Oakland announced April 10 that they would be closing 74 miles/10% of 
 >    streets to cars – see plan).
 >    - Switch the pedestrian phase of traffic signals to be automatic and ensure 
 >    that bicycles are captured at traffic signals. Adjusting pedestrian signals 
 >    so pushing a button is no longer needed to cross the street limits the 
 >    amount of surfaces a person must touch, helping curb the spread of COVID-19. 
 >    This is simpler for some cities than others depending on how their traffic 
 >    signal system operates (either a central operating space or having to go out 
 >    to individual signals). Thank you to San José and Redwood City for already 
 >    doing this!
 > How you can get involved   
 >    - Join the SVBC Local Team in your area to get connected to other advocates 
 >    in your city and discuss ideas for specific streets or corridors.
 >    - Support the bike movement with a generous donation to make sure we can 
 >    continue to monitor and weigh in on important decisions that may impact road 
 >    use and safety for years to come.
 > Best,
 > Emma Shlaes
 > Deputy Director

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