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Re: Fw: Need a bike/give a bike #BikeMatchSV

Wait.  Doesn't this contradict the bicycle shortage article you sent me?
Wouldn't people just want to sell their old bikes for a profit?

 > From: Noelle <noelle>
 > Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 23:40:37 +0000 (UTC)
 >     ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition <
 >     http://www.bikesiliconvalley.org/~svbc>To: Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>Sent: 
 >     Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 01:57:40 PM PDT
 > |  
 > DearNoelle,,
 > Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition has teamed up with the Silicon Valley Bicycle 
 > Exchange (SVBE) to offer essential bikes to essential workers in need of 
 > transportation during shelter in place. This #BikeMatchSV program is inspired 
 > by New York’s Transportation Alternatives' initiative and includes bikes that 
 > aren’t in perfect working order.
 >    - Can’t afford a bike but need one to get to your job or to get around? 
 >    Fill out our form and we’ll try to match you with a bike.
 >    - Have a bike you aren’t using? If it’s in perfect working order, we’
 >    ll match you with a recipient. If it needs a bit of work, SVBE will 
 >    refurbish the bike and give it new life. We’ll make an appointment for 
 >    your drop-off. 
 >    - Want to help with the effort? You can make a donation to cover the cost of 
 >    bike parts (the average bike we refurbish requires $40 in parts or you can 
 >    help us tune-up the bikes by taking a few home to work on.
 > Join our #BikeMatchSV program as a recipient, donor, or volunteer through the 
 > form here: http://bikex.org/bikematch. Can you share this program broadly to 
 > anyone you think may be in need of a bike (or have bikes to spare)?
 > Support partnerships like this by becoming a member of SVBC, or donating to 
 > Silicon Valley Bike Exchange. Let's build a bike-friendly Bay Area together.
 > There are also other Bike Match programs in the region:   
 >    - Gilroy
 >    - San Francisco
 > Thank You,
 > Team SVBC

Why do you want this page removed?