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Re: Bike, scooter services ready to fill transit gap - SFGate

 > From: Heather Howard <http://www.icloud.com/~hhoward40>
 > Date: Sun, 17 May 2020 00:03:53 -0700
 > http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/why-bike-and-e-scooter-companies-hit-hard-by-the-pandemic-may-come-back-stronger/2020/05/16/076e2900-95d5-11ea-91d7-cf4423d47683_story.html

 “Given the choices we have, [bikes and scooters]
 seem to be the much safer modes of
 transportation,” said Ashish Kabra, a professor at
 the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith
 School of Business who studies shared transportation.

Not sure my sister nor sister-in-law would agree.

Why do you want this page removed?