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FW: *Update* Ethics in Tech: Comedy Night

Any interest?  This is on Thursday evening.

 > From: "EFA Team | EFF" <http://www.eff.org/~organizing>
 > Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2020 14:20:46 -0700
 > This is a friendly message from the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
 > EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation
 > Event
 > Thank you for your overwhelming response to this event. We understand that a 
 > number of you were not able to RSVP[
 > www.eventbrite.com/e/join-ethics-in-technology-big-tech-big-troubles-big-laughs-comedy-night-tickets-106445701960]
 > due to a limit on attendees. The organizers 
 > have informed us that the attendee cap has been lifted. We have also included 
 > additional viewing options below. Please, note that this event will take place 
 > this Thursday, June 18.
 > Ethics in Tech[ethicsintech.com/] is a member of the Electronic Frontier 
 > Alliance, a network of grassroots organizations across the country committed to 
 > promoting digital rights. Please check out their event page [
 > www.eventbrite.com/e/big-tech-comedy-roast-by-ethics-in-technology-tickets-76855
 > 590139] to learn more and RSVP.
 > From the Organizers:
 > The World Post Pandemic: How surveillance and weapon systems, used unwisely, 
 > can harm humanity!
 > Mark Twain once wrote, “against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” 
 > Ethics In Technology is planning to put Mark Twain’s statement to the test 
 > about the military-industrial complex and the surveillance state. Join us for a 
 > night of thought-provoking presentations followed by some wonderful comedy.
 > The show is hosted by nonprofit organization Ethics in Technology, a nonprofit 
 > watchdog group advocating for a world where big tech firms and technology work 
 > to serve humanity and the planet, rather than the other way around. We focus on 
 > raising awareness of how technology intersects with issues surrounding income 
 > equality and economic opportunities for regular people.
 > When:
 > Wednesday, June 18
 > 6:30 pm PDT
 > RSVP [
 > https://www.eventbrite.com/e/join-ethics-in-technology-big-tech-big-troubles-big-laughs-comedy-night-tickets-106445701960
 > ]
 > Where:
 > Online
 > YouTube: https://youtu.be/UxJaarhDB3M
 > Facebook: https://business.facebook.com/EthicsInTech/
 > EthicsInTech Website: https://ethicsintech.com/our-next-event/
 > This event is organized not by EFF, but by the Ethics in Technology,—a 
 > grassroots group participating in the Electronic Frontier Alliance. The EFA is 
 > a network of grassroots organizations across the country committed to promoting 
 > digital rights. Together, we're building a movement to promote freedom of 
 > expression, privacy, security, creativity, and access to knowledge.
 > Thank you,
 > Lewis, nash & Rory
 > EFA Organizing Team

Why do you want this page removed?