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Re: award

 > From: Brian <http://www.cs..edu/~b>
 > Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2020 15:14:07 -0700
 > On 8/11/20 7:59 AM, Robert wrote:
 > > It makes me wonder how anyone comes to question anything, let alone
 > > question assumptions.
 > Every three-year-old does nothing but question!  (Think Mindy and 
 > Buttons.)  Like so much else, it gets beaten out of you in school.
 > I was lucky, I guess, in having teachers for parents, so I wasn't 
 > terrified of school and kept right on questioning.  And then later, 
 > studying mathematics and philosophy helped, not to mention Marx in the '60s.
 > The worst unexamined assumption in programming languages isn't the 
 > semicolon, which is just annoying; it's = for assignment, which is 
 > pernicious.


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