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Re: Family conference call #13 +1 (855) 707-6843 Conference ID: 34823017

Here are the notes from today's meeting.  Below that are the action items
for next month.

 storage place
  bartering oil for records
  pulling out the records that are valuable
  Harvey said worth $45,000
  paying $1500 for medical insurance every 3 months ($375/month)
  food $600 per month
  utilities $400 per month
  also, car insurance and home owners insurance
 post-mortem instructions
  the Zoom thing was misunderstood
  Waterville Valley unit was not moved out of the Family Trust

Agenda items for next month.

 storage place
  verify that last couple of Ham Radio Club 19" racks and repeater radios are gone
  get rid of stuff in office area, including desks and file cabinet itself
   move desks and file cabinet into the house
  barter more records for oil
  pull out more records that are valuable
  follow-up with Harvey about selling
  get rid of stuff in garage area
 Ford Fairlane
  will drive a couple days a week
  sell it after moving stuff from storage and if not driving it
 1969 VW Squareback Type III
  send info to James so can place ads in craigslist, etc.
  revisit payments for home owners insurance
  send list of expenses to family
 digital legacy and passwords
  put more passwords into Lastpass
  set up emergency access in Lastpass
  set up 2FA authentication for Lastpass
 post-mortem instructions
  will have local mortuary send instructions
  move Waterville Valley unit out of the Family Trust

Why do you want this page removed?