figure out ways to let monitor on No's computer to turn off use dbus-monitor to figure out what's keeping it awake xinput set-prop "Live! Cam Connect HD 1080 VF076" "Device Enabled" 0 do conference call at 9am restart mate-screensver on No's computer analyze /tmp/familyexpenses.csv or macbook:/tmp/familyexpenses.xls pay August 2020 Credo bill pay $300 August 2020 RBS/Citizens One bill verify that August 2020 Chase Bank and US Bank deposits went through set up a thing for next month's meeting look into car insurance in Ma for Marnie make sure is erased from published messages plan on vacation day on Friday do hdbackup trim eyebrows cut toe nails vacuum rug living room do yard work and other outside tasks during clear weather mow lawn clip trees establish new plants after digging up bermuda grass refill tricycle and mountain bicycle tires dump kitchen compost and green bucket send notes from conference call