make sure "pax" worked in /root/hdbackup leave backup hard drive at home create agenda for next month's conference call storage place * will be rented out * will hire cleaner to clean bathroom * leaving stuff in storage * told Ham Radio Club about renting verify that last couple of Ham Radio Club 19" racks and repeater radios are gone get rid of stuff in office area, including desks and file cabinet itself move desks and file cabinet into the house barter more records for oil and car work pull out more records that are valuable follow-up with Harvey about selling get rid of stuff in garage area Ford Fairlane will drive a couple days a week sell it after moving stuff from storage and if not driving it * been driving send info to James so can place ads in craigslist, etc. * texted Andrew financial revisit payments for home owners insurance * sent list of expenses to family miscellaneous move Waterville Valley unit out of the Family Trust * it's not in the family trust * Flora look into putting parents cell phones under her plan * Robert will also look look up youtube vids based on what things want to learn make food list, including earthquake water look up how webcams can send KeyPress X-Windows events clone desktop machine look into car insurance in Ma for Marnie 2005 Toyota Corolla, standard transmission, grey (silver) 4cylinder 1.8 liter engine no accidents in last 6 years wipe down kitchen counter over dishwasher