On Sunday, October 4, 2020, 11:34:40 AM PDT, <http://www.cinequest.org/~orders> wrote: Click the following link to view your order information online: https://events.creatics.org/websales/pages/orderconfirmation.aspx?guid=343f7819-2252-4637-9e8c-dacbacaaf450& cinejoy|creatics Order Number: 5221093 (Status as of: 10/4/20 11:34 AM) Customer Number: 3132442 | ruth weiss, the beat goddess | Digital Screening Room | 10/1/2020 12: 00 AM - 10/8/2020 12:00 AM | | | | | | Type | Tier | Price | Fee | | | Streaming | Admission | $9.99 | $0.00 | | | | | Delivery Method - Streaming Additional Information: | | Watch | | You have 48 hours to finish once started. | cinejoy 1 occurs Oct 1 thru Oct 14, 2020 | Cost Summary: | Purchases: | $9.99 | | Handling/Delivery: | $0.00 | | Billing Address: Noelle Street Address City, State ZipCode United States | Payment Information: | Visa | : | x9011 | $9.99 | 10/4/2020 | Order Total: $9.99