look for "Rumble Strip" and "En Masse" podcasts remove Google authorization for Notarize.com https://www.google.com/search?q=deauthorize+google ask Notarize.com to delete extra documents pay October 2020 $135 water bill fix clonezilla live boot on work laptop https://linuxhint.com/grub_rescue_ubuntu_1804/ clone work laptop and macbook do yard work and other outside tasks during clear weather mow lawn clear out avocados from foam roof drain clip trees establish new plants after digging up bermuda grass trim oak and palm trees in front rake leaves pick persimmons for the week file away magazines into garage remove weeds from north-west part of fence clip ivy, including avocado tree and rear of garage trim back native bushes from the sidewalk refill tricycle and mountain bicycle tires do dvdbackup dump kitchen compost and green bucket start making packing list for RV vacation include anti-itching cream on packing list work this morning or afternoon 💻