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Re: Happy 2020 Winter Solstice to YOU!

 > From: "Kathleen branfordwellbeing.com" <http://www.branfordwellbeing.com/~cathleen>
 > Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2020 15:37:11 +0000
 > Dec. 21st is now and forever a Robert-kinda-DAY !!! You can
 > bet I'll be going in to yahoo to dig amongst the spammy thousands
 > for the treasure that is your annual report, and/or please add my
 > http://www.branfordwellbeing.com/~cathleen (which, though already spammed-out
 > after only a couple of short years, i do log into almost
 > daily).

Got it.

 > Here's to a new Era ahead, and Cheers to you and Noelle !!!

Thanks!  You, too!

Why do you want this page removed?