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review fetchmail oversized messages
remove name from published SVBC receipt
bring books to drop off at mini-library
water the cat
put diatomaceous earth around cat food
shop for x-mas
make sure 2020 $200 business tax check cleared
make sure reading glasses are not getting loose
go through li'l appt book
redeem ATM fees if necessary
make appointment to get trees trimmed by http://www.andersonstreecare.com/
back-up cell phone via
 Signal chats backup
 Settings->Backup->External storage transfer (SmartSwitch)
 copying files to mini:/var/tmp/nosphone
  rsync -zav --size-only /var/tmp/nosphone/ ~/Documents/nosphone/
  /bin/mv -n /var/tmp/nosphone/ ~/trash/`date +%Y%m%d`/
 Settings->Backup->Google Account
tell No to tell Paula about leading discussion about video
clone desktop machine
brush teeth
recycle and take out garbage

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