review fetchmail oversized messages remove name from published SVBC receipt bring books to drop off at mini-library water the cat put diatomaceous earth around cat food shop for x-mas make sure 2020 $200 business tax check cleared make sure reading glasses are not getting loose go through li'l appt book Settings->Backup->SmartSwitch redeem ATM fees if necessary make appointment to get trees trimmed by back-up cell phone via Contacts->Settings->Export Signal chats backup Settings->Backup->External storage transfer (SmartSwitch) copying files to mini:/var/tmp/nosphone rsync -zav --size-only /var/tmp/nosphone/ ~/Documents/nosphone/ /bin/mv -n /var/tmp/nosphone/ ~/trash/`date +%Y%m%d`/ Settings->Backup->Google Account tell No to tell Paula about leading discussion about video clone desktop machine brush teeth recycle and take out garbage