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Re: Zoom Happy Hour Invite: Saturday, 1/23 at 5:30p PST

I used the trick on
to determine the device drivers associated with hardware:

 find /sys/bus/*/drivers/* -maxdepth 1 -lname '*devices*' -ls

It looks like, for both my built-in webcam on my laptop and the external
USB one on Noelle's computer, the primary driver is "video" and, while it
is "apple_gmux" on my laptop, it is "asus_wmi" on Noelle's computer, and
uses "i915" in both cases.

What version of Ubuntu are you running?  What is the hardware you're

 > From: David VomLehn <http://www.texas.net/~vomlehn>
 > Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2021 21:07:18 -0800
 > No, I haven't solve this but I haven't been working on it,, either. I 
 > should get it working...
 > On 1/24/21 8:50 AM, robert wrote:
 > > David - did you ever get your camera working on Linux?
 > >
 > > Webcams on all my Linux laptops and desktops (those that have a webcam)
 > > work fine.

Why do you want this page removed?