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Re: Heart ♥️ Chris Tetrology of Fallot

Chris didn't seem convinced.

 > From: Bhavani <http://www.gmail.com/~bhavaniowl>
 > Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2021 11:11:15 -0700
 > What type of ongoing care is necessary for an adult who has had surgical repair 
 > of tetralogy of Fallot?
 > Specialists in adult congenital heart disease recommend that an adult who has 
 > had palliative surgery for tetralogy of Fallot as a child periodically undergo 
 > a thorough cardiac evaluation. The shunts used in the palliation are associated 
 > with problems such as narrowing (stenosis), high blood pressure in the 
 > pulmonary artery or causing excess volume load on the left side of the heart. 
 > Definitive surgery often results in significant leaking of the pulmonary valve 
 > and the size and function of the right side of the heart needs to be monitored 
 > closely.
 > Some patients may also develop large aortopulmonary collateral vessels as a way 
 > of getting extra blood flow to the lungs. These need to be closed prior to 
 > definitive surgical repair.
 > The presence of any of these problems or worsening of symptoms, such as 
 > cyanosis or fatigue, are reasons for an adult to undergo a complete repair 
 > surgery.
 > Occasionally, an individual reaches adulthood without having had any surgical 
 > repair, although this is not common. Specialists recommend that these 
 > individuals consider undergoing a complete surgical repair to prevent future 
 > complications or sudden death.
 > *Recommended that Chris goes to a cardiologist in Boston or Lahey Clinic. 

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