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make food list
take off from work
put dvd backup into car
buy food at farmer's market
stuff pockets with bags
buy food at Trader Joes
tighten kitchen sink faucet handle using Allen wrenches
check work email and slack
find copy of Acronis registration key
remove pencil from No's laptop
do Windows Update and back-up on No's laptop
clone No's laptop
unwrap laptop power supply wire from tables
put away No's work table in front room
do yard work and other outside tasks during clear weather
 cut back maple tree from gutters
 remove weeds from south-west part of fence
clone No's computer
get No's computer to run fsck on each boot
 make sure second param is "1" instead of "0" in /etc/fstab for root device
 make sure /etc/init.d/checkroot.sh is getting run

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