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pay May 2021 Chase bill
check work email and slack
do more duolingo lessons
skip depositing June 2021 home loan check for $600
cut nails
log into robertdeveloper Yahoo account to prevent dormancy
log into robertlinuxprogrammer Yahoo account to prevent dormancy
log into robertnokidding Yahoo account to prevent dormancy
download e-mail in order to review before getting published
bring books to drop off at mini-library
send Netflix DVD back while getting bills at Postoffice
put dvd backup into car
make optometrist appt
clean eyelids when taking shower
look for "Let Them All Talk" film
visit https://existentialcomics.com/comic/random
setup receiver today
do hdbackup
keep drive on Macbook working by inserting a CD or DVD
activate new credit card
wash kitchen compost container
add newspaper to compost
dump kitchen compost and green bucket
do yard work and other outside tasks during clear weather
 place cushions on outside chairs
 pull tree-of-heaven on lawn
do online search for large pillow case to put onto bed leg pillow
eat dinner with Heather at 5pm

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