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Re: travel and stuff

 > From: Brian <http://www.cs..edu/~b>
 > Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2021 20:19:13 -0700
 > And I 
 > would really, really have to learn the ridiculously difficult language 
 > to make it totally worthwhile.

I remember years ago, when I was at Sony, my co-worker said that I should
really learn Japanese since it's easy.  I recently found out that the U.S.
Foreign Services considers Japanese one of the most difficult languages
for English speakers to learn.  (Living here in where-I-live's Japantown,
there are a zillion Japanese immersion language classes.  The only
Japanese-related things I've done were Noelle signing me up for a one-day
Taiko drumming class and that one year of Aikido I did.)

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