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pack for Santa Barbara trip
check work email and slack
do extra duolingo lessons
fill dishwasher
continue to pack for Santa Barbara trip
 electric shaver
 camera charger
 car key
 watch (worn)
 car key (worn)
 sandals (worn)
 wallet (worn)
 cash (worn)
 ATM card (worn)
 credit cards (worn)
 driver's license (worn)
 cell phone
 cell phone charger
 Personal Protective Equipment
 dirty clothes bag
 little mini laptop
 little mini laptop charger
 ice chest
 distance glasses
 vaccine baseball cap
 driving sunglasses (worn)
 Personal Protective Equipment (worn)
 reading glasses
ensure all windows are locked
close curtains if possible
hide iPad in bedroom drawer
put iPad away
hide laptops in bedroom
make sure cat food is covered
hide keys in kitchen
hide outdoor back door key
engage stoppers on all sinks
turn on dishwasher
turn off water to house
chain lock front door
close basement door
lock primary laptop
close bedroom, front room, and hallway doors
close curtain between kitchen and laundry room
lock back door
lock driveway fence gate with padlock
drive ð??? to Santa Barbara

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