hide keys in kitchen hide outdoor back door key do vertigo balance procedure sustain career pack for Wilbur Hot Springs trip bring books to drop off at mini-library send Netflix DVD back while getting bills at Postoffice pay $351 September 2021 Chase bill pay Noelle October 2021 $301 Prudential Long-Term Care insurance bills put small ladder into garage ensure all windows are locked close curtains if possible hide iPad in bedroom drawer put iPad away make sure cat food is covered lock garage doors put away No's work table in front room pack for Wilbur Hot Springs trip put combination lock in kitchen junk drawer onto driveway gate hand clean dishes fill dishwasher turn on dishwasher turn off water to house put leftovers away wash kitchen compost container add newspaper to compost put final tasks on No's cell phone pay $351 September 2021 Chase bill lock primary laptop hide laptops in bedroom hide No's laptop in bedroom pack away No's Windows laptop chain lock front door close bedroom, front room, and hallway doors close curtain between kitchen and laundry room lock back door lock driveway fence gate with padlock drive car 🚗 to Wilbur Hot Springs