return 🚗 go to audiologist for hearing test tomorrow file away 10/16/2021 paystub go through li'l appt book go to 1:30pm appt HearBright @ 408-937-8900 need to call just before arriving since door entrance is locked leave 1.25 hours ahead light rail to 1st & Santa Clara take 64B or 23 bus get off at Figueres after Checkers after McCreery if 23 bus make appointment with ENT to get ear wax removed watch "The Plot Against America" on Amazon Prime watch "Reservation Dogs" on Hulu watch "Undone" on Amazon Prime watch "Wolfwalkers" on Apple TV watch "Ramy" on Hulu watch "High Fidelity" on Hulu download podcasts to primary MP3 device add Uninterruptable Power Supply to wishlist repair pan lid cover handle Revere 4-quart stovetop pan cover see "Momento" again