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make sure update_from_mini ran
back-up cell phone
put more Post-Its onto bedside
pay $10 to No for the computer screws
make sure October 2nd $35 check to Farm Fresh to You cleared
make sure September 18th $35 check to Farm Fresh to You cleared
take vitamins
pick persimmons for the week
get No's computer to be able to sleep
figure out how to run Emacs server and client so can resume disconnections from No's computer
 think about using https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosh_(software)
 or use ssh+dtach
use emacs+ssh+dtach with No's computer instead of mosh since doesn't interpret character sequences
call mom go through data usage
fail to provide dad with printer technical help
put more Post-Its at bedside
dump kitchen compost and green bucket
put wristwatch on
trim eyebrows
clear more earwax
add triggers back for taking more No's friend's boxes out of the garage
clear chromium data

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