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FW: Reply from Gail and Don to Noelle and Robert --Re: X-mas plans?

What's really the point of gift-giving if you just have to buy the gift

Maybe just asking for a money gift would be better?

 > From: "Gail" <http://www.cox.net/~g3>
 > Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2021 20:24:46 -0800
 > Hi Robert,
 > I'm sorry, but when I tried clicking on the website link for that calendar
 > for Noelle, after indicating the gift wrap and clicking on going to the cart
 > (whatever that says), it didn't go through and kept adding more calendars to
 > the shopping cart ending up with 3 calendars before I gave up and just got
 > out. I would say they have a glitch. Maybe the best thing to do, Robert, is
 > for you to buy it to give to her Xmas wrapped on 12/25 saying it's from us,
 > and then bill us for it so that we can reimburse you. To be honest, I hate
 > to buy anything online because there are often glitches. I much prefer
 > buying things in a store which I know is not what the younger generation
 > likes to do. Buying online leads to a lot of cybercrime, spam, etc. in my
 > experience. I have found that to be true through PayPal, ActBlue, and
 > Amazon. Fortunately we have always been able to get our money back with
 > persistence, but it takes a watchful eye on our credit card statements.
 > Best,
 > Gail

Why do you want this page removed?