celebrate Christmas 🎁 wipe down kitchen counter left of stove download all signed work documents https://msazurenosticwall-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/rnosticwall_com/ESu70C5VtcpGqmKDmBXEoR4BIW7NgVfWHK207LH1mYj7Ow thank Gail for chocolate change reminders assuming office will open on April 1 oil driveway gate padlock meet with family and Gail and Don at noon https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81626513470?pwd=dmtDdFFKc2VHQnhDd3d1aDlKVU5tQT09 add spamgourmet email as alternate email address https://workplaceservices.fidelity.com/mybenefits/integratedservices/navigation/profile/personalcontactinfo log into robertdeveloper Yahoo account to prevent dormancy log into robertlinuxprogrammer Yahoo account to prevent dormancy log into robertnokidding Yahoo account to prevent dormancy pay $114 November 2021 RBS/Citizens One bill verify that November 2021 US Bank deposits went through renew minutes for cell phone every 6 months make /root/hdbackup exclude all old /home/noelle/Documents/nosphone/Card/SmartSwitchBackup folders update list of all banks and entities with money in it for trust send more holiday cards clean eyelids when taking shower put wristwatch on