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Re: Braiding Sweetgrass?

 > From: O Mandrussow <http://www.gmail.com/~mandrussow>
 > Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2022 11:23:54 -0800
 > Hey there Noelle and Robert,
 > I'm about 100 pages into *Braiding Sweetgrass* (Robin Wall Kimmerer, 2013),
 > and like it a lot.  It initially attracted my interest because it's been on
 > the SF bestseller list for close to a year.  One of the reasons (there are
 > several) I like it is because it offers different perspectives on the world
 > we could live in, outside of consumerism and commodification, capitalism,
 > centralized government, etc.

Thanks.  I stuck it on my list.

 > As you know, there's another book on the NYT
 > bestseller list that is a scholarly analysis of societies throughout
 > history, many of which were non-centralized, egalitarian,
 > non-commodity-based, etc.  Some were matriarchal.  *The Dawn of Everything:
 > A New History of Humanity* <https://bookshop.org/a/12476/9780374157357> by
 > David Graeber and David Wengrow.  Haven't read that one though and not sure
 > I will.  It is massive.

Yeah.  I'll pass on it for the time being as well.

 > When I was reading about the post-climate-crisis world, writers were saying
 > that we need to imagine new societies that don't depend on fossil fuels.
 > Seems to me that both these books provide plenty of models for doing just
 > that.  If you've got any book titles to share on that topic, send them my
 > way!  And if you want my paperback copy of *Braiding Sweetgrass*, I'll mail
 > when finished.  It's less than 400 pages.

Supposedly, Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson is an
optimistic, non-capitalist take on it.  But, haven't read it.

 > Hope you are well.  Brad and I are looking forward to the Omicron spike
 > peaking, supposedly within two weeks in the Bay Area.

Yeah, us as well.

 > Olga

P.S. Sorry that your message got stuck into my spam folder.

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