work this weekend download W-4 form from work's OneDrive check work email and slack make sure can still log into Morgan Stanley go also to appt this afternoon discuss with Baron about 1. itch 2. back 3. more anti-itch cream clean eyelids when taking shower leave at 9:15am to go to 10:15am appt Jennifer A. Baron, dermatogolist, for itchy scalp 123 Di Salvo Ave. Suite A SJ, CA 95128 408-418-8780 watch for tomorrow's haircut do extra duolingo lessons download e-mail on 2/26/2022 in order to review before getting published go to 3:30pm appt Shingles (Shingrix) 533 Coleman Ave, where-I-live 95110 backup sneakemail addresses wash kitchen compost container add newspaper to compost dump kitchen compost and green bucket put wristwatch on visit